Penelope Gee came to us from a poorly run breeding facility. When she got here, she was a very pregnant, shut down, matted, dirty mess. We cleaned her up and helped her raise her babies and now she's ready for a home of her own.
Penelope is meant to be a family dog. She wants it so BAD. Unfortunately, her breeder days didn't give her a very good start. Every day she makes small improvements and learns a little more trust and a little more comfort and is showing glimpses of the dog she will be.
Here's the awesome list for her
- She's willing to give people a chance. When people sit at her level and let her decide to come visit, she does it every time to every person. She's curious about people and wants to interact with them all. She's learning to be more and more trusting with every interaction.
- She has no fear of other dogs and walks right into a pack or meets a new friend with submissive postures. She engages with them, but isn't annoying and immediately got along with all six of her foster siblings.
-She's funny. I mean hilarious. She has a sassy streak that she lets out every once in a while and boy is fun. She lets you know that's there and wants to be seen and played with.
-She enjoys being brushed (its a good thing, her coat needs it!)
- She's an amazing reminder of the resilience of dogs. She shows that life can be beautiful even when it started so so bleak.
Things to work on
-Penelope was likely raised in a cage or crate. She has no concept of outside v inside and it will take time and patience to fully potty train her.
- Her teeth are in terrible condition. We're not even able to accurately age her due to the tater and build up. She will be getting a dental when she is spayed and we will know how extensive the damage is then.
- Everything new takes a little time. She improves steadily, but is not likely to saunter in and be the best family dog ever overnight. She will need to decompress and get to know you
We see this dog as an absolute diamond that is more than worth any effort to make her sparkle. She can and will be the dog of someone's dreams and we can't wait for them to meet each other!
Penelope Gee's baby girl, Micro (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Penelope Gee's baby boy, Pixel (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Penelope Gee's baby boy, Charlie (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Penelope Gee's baby girl, Nano (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Penelope Gee's baby girl, Mouse (adopted) can also be seen on our website.
Other Pictures of Penelope Gee (click to see larger version):
The critical work of Pawfect MatchTM is to ensure the care and health of our animals. If you are seeking a way to help the animals in our care we would be grateful for your financial support. There are several ways you could support our mission. Aside from volunteering we do have a PayPal set up for monetary donations as well as an Amazon Wishlist! Our highest needs right now are puppy pads, dry puppy food, dog toys, paper towels, hand sanitizer, crates and/or puppy pens. Your support is greatly appreciated.
1 in every 3 pets will go missing in their lifetime, and if you think it can’t happen to you, think again. We're proud to join @PetcoLoveLost to help reunite lost pets with their families. If a pet you know or love is missing, Petco Love Lost can help simplify your search to bring them home. Get started, it's free: #PetcoLoveLost #PetcoLovePartner Pawfect Match is proud to announce we have received a 2023 Petco Love Grant to help with our lifesaving work